Curriculum Telas Videos CAOS Instalação Cenas do Cotidiano Cenas do Cotidiano

Angelo Milani
portuguêsenglish español

Reading, researching, painting, mixing, cut- ting-out, sewing, closing in,
pulling away, singeing, drying, changing, controlling, letting go... crea-
ting. These, among others, clearlyare the acti- vities of this artist  who
gave up an engineering career to dedicate himself  exclusively  to  Visual
Arts in 1981.

In order to write this text,it was my rare good fortune to have the oppor-
tunity to get acquainted with representative works from all phases  of  an
artist who preserves his production and memories with the same  commitment
that a museum defends and maintains its collections.

It is fascinating to be able to spot elements and  themes  which  are  the
fruits of experiments and investigations into his own particular universe.

A characteristic of Angelo's painting is the extreme spontaneity resultant
from the rapid and precise application of pigment.  Its chromatic quality,
always linked to luminousity, surprises the eye.   Light  glows  from  the
colour, each brush stroke an explosion.    As a zoom lens, moving in for a
close-up, backing away for the wide shot,a dance is created; now the focus
is on a group, then on a single figure; alone on the canvas.

I n his current phase, after close contacts with Mexican art,in particular
with Mexican mural art,   Angelo definitely feels secure enough to give up
the support of the chassis, concentrating his efforts in large formats.
There is no loss of control, nor of technique.Creation on this scale is so
serious that it almost dissolves into playfulness. There is a lightness, a
buoyancy, shaped by the crafts- man's keen eye.

There is an admirable quality in his investigations which reveals the  co-
ming of age of an artist with substantial personality.

Ana Helena Curti

(Translation: Gerry Lewarne and Raymond Maddock)

Angelo Milani
sem título - 1993
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1993
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1993
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm

Angelo Milani
sem título - 1993
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1993
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1993
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1992
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1992
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1992
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1992
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 150 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1992
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 300 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1992
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 300 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1993
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1992
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm
Angelo Milani
sem título - 1993
acrilico s/ tela 200 x 200 cm

© Angelo Milani